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How to Add Seeed boards to Arduino IDE

In this tutorial we learn How to add Seeed Boards to Arduino IDE. Seeed has been serving the global developer community since 2008, by providing open technology and agile manufacturing services, with the mission to make hardware more accessible and lower the threshold for hardware innovation. Seeed had designed so many boards that work with Arduino IDE. These Boards are Seeduino V3/4, Stalker, Lite, Lotus, Mega, Nano, Cortex M0, GPRS, LoRaWAN, Crypto, LinkIt ONE, RePhone Series etc.

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How to Add Seeed boards to Arduino IDE

Let’s Start, Follow Step by step instructions.

Download the latest Arduino IDE

You need Arduino IDE that after version 1.6.4. If you don’t have, please Download from

Setting up your Arduino IDE

Open your Arudino IDE, click on File > Preferences, and copy below url to Additional Boards Manager URLs


If you use the board wih AT SAMD21 Microcontroller ,such as Seeeduino LoRaWAN/GPS board , Seeeduino cotex Mo board and Seeeduino Lotus Cortex-M0+.Please copy below url to Additional Boards Manager URLs

Add Seeed boards to Arduino IDE by Board Manager

Click on Toos > Board > Board Manager.

Now Simply search the board by name, You can enter any Seeed board name here, In this Tutorial, we will take LinkIt One. Enter LinkIt One and Click LinkIt One then an Install button appear, click on it to finish the step, this process takes about few minutes.

Similarly You can any Seeed Boards.

Select a board for Use

Click on Tools > Board, Seeeduino Stalker V3 is available now. Seeed board named LinkIt One will show up at the boards list.

If you have any issue during installation, please write in comments or you can go to  SeeedStudio forum.


Reference :

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Harshvardhan Mishra

Hi, I'm Harshvardhan Mishra. Tech enthusiast and IT professional with a B.Tech in IT, PG Diploma in IoT from CDAC, and 6 years of industry experience. Founder of HVM Smart Solutions, blending technology for real-world solutions. As a passionate technical author, I simplify complex concepts for diverse audiences. Let's connect and explore the tech world together! If you want to help support me on my journey, consider sharing my articles, or Buy me a Coffee! Thank you for reading my blog! Happy learning! Linkedin

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