iArduino : a C Interpreter for Arduino
The iArduino is an interpreter which runs on Arduino board. Interpreted language is a programming language in which programs are ‘indirectly’ executed (“interpreted”) by an interpreter program.
The iArduino interprets a language which resembles to the Arduino language. It can
- evaluate an expression refelctively,
- do stepwise executtion of a program,
- run a program slowly,
- stop and resume a program.
about iArduino: a C Interpreter for Arduino. Rather than using compiled C/C++ as in the official Arduino IDE, iArduino is interpreted at runtime like Python/CircuitPython but in C.
Summary of the iArduino language and the interpreter
Name of variables: a to z (16bits int aka. short) Control statements: if, else, for, while, break, continue Constans: LOW, HIGH, INPUT, OUTPUT, true, false Operators: +, -, *, /, %, &, |, ^, &&, ||, <, <=, >, >=, ==, !=, >>, << Literals: decimal, hexadecimal, binary digit (16bits int only) Functions: abs, analogRead, analogWrite, delay, digitalRead, digitalWrite, max, millis, min, noTone, rand, pinMode, servo?.attach, servo?.write, tone, print Commands: animate, autorun, debug, edit, list, noauto, prog, run, save, step
iArduino with iAduinoTerminal
There is also a Terminal mode which provides a rich data environment, great for learning.
iArduinoTerminal for Android
This iArduinoTerminal is an apprication for Android. Recommended minimum display resolution is 1280×800. It is tested on Acer ICONIA TAB A200 (Andriod 4.0.3) and Nexus 7 (2013, Android 4.4.2). It should run under Android 3.1 or later. The app uses Physicaloid library by ksksue.
See the iArduino site for details and downloads.
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