Thursday, February 13, 2025
How ToIoT HardwaresRaspberry PiTutorials/DIY

Setting up a Raspberry Pi headless

If you have a raspberry Pi and you do not use a monitor or keyboard to run your Pi. This situation known as headless. So here is a facility to enable wireless networking and SSH when creating a image. So in this tutorial we learn how to do setup headless raspberry Pi.


First we flash an image on SD card. We can use Raspbian OS by

Now you need Etcher for flash image on SD card. you can download this software by

Setting up wireless networking

You will need to define a wpa_supplicant.conf file for your particular wireless network. Put this file in the boot folder, and when the Pi first boots, it will copy that file into the correct location in the Linux root file system and use those settings to start up wireless networking.

ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev


Enabling SSH

SSH can be enabled by placing a file called ssh in to the boot folder. This flags the Pi to enable the SSH system on the next boot.

How To find IP address of Raspberry Pi

Now you need IP address of Raspberry Pi for ssh connection. you need to install a android app in your mobile Ping tool. from Play store. Ping tools provides you ip address that devices connected with your mobile wifi hotspot.

Second alternative method – You can setup Static IP address for Raspbeery Pi.

Harshvardhan Mishra

Hi, I'm Harshvardhan Mishra. Tech enthusiast and IT professional with a B.Tech in IT, PG Diploma in IoT from CDAC, and 6 years of industry experience. Founder of HVM Smart Solutions, blending technology for real-world solutions. As a passionate technical author, I simplify complex concepts for diverse audiences. Let's connect and explore the tech world together! If you want to help support me on my journey, consider sharing my articles, or Buy me a Coffee! Thank you for reading my blog! Happy learning! Linkedin

Harshvardhan Mishra has 760 posts and counting. See all posts by Harshvardhan Mishra

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